Here in Europe, we are still waiting, waiting and waiting some more on the arrvial of the Eee pc. But finally we get paid for all that waiting. Tomorrow it is launch day in France and Germany, so we Belgians hope it will be launched here too.
Offcourse we can buy on ebay, but we want Azerty. Ever wondered who the heck uses Azerty, well here we are. But hé, don't blame us, the France people all started it.
I can't wait to finally get my hands on one of the new Eee pc's. I'm still wondering what colour I will chose. White or black, or should I go for pink? Nah, white will do, It has some Apple coolness.
Gimme gimme gimme.
Offcourse we can buy on ebay, but we want Azerty. Ever wondered who the heck uses Azerty, well here we are. But hé, don't blame us, the France people all started it.
I can't wait to finally get my hands on one of the new Eee pc's. I'm still wondering what colour I will chose. White or black, or should I go for pink? Nah, white will do, It has some Apple coolness.
Gimme gimme gimme.
On my birthday :-)
Perhaps I'll get ADSL as well tommorow. I was supposed to be activated today but we all know what Belgacom is like... never in a hurry especially not if you're a customer of another ISP.
French AZERTY Keyboard
Voorradigheid : 15/02/2008
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