Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Things to do, things that are done.

So much to do, so little time. Some things I managed to get done, others just got forgotten.

What I did:

- finally I made the channels we don't watch, invisible. This you have to do on the myth-backend. Till now, I din't have a good solution to work on my bakcground. But then Timo gave me the solution. Just use ssh with X passthrough.

This is the line you'll need "ssh -X -l mythtv IP-adress_myth-backend". Don't forget to put on X11 forwarding in /etc/ssh/sshd.conf.

Then, when you startup mythtv-setup, it will start on your computer you're working on. When you go in the "channel editor", you will be able to select or deselect "visible" on the second page of each individual channel. So you don't delete them, you just make them invisible.

- I mounted our new LCD with the ceilling mount in the kitchen. But I'll have to make something the mount the speakers as well.

- I tried some distro's for the Eee PC, but none really got me satisfied.

Things I really need to get done:

- making some kind of speaker mount

- continue assembling my TeamXray NT1

- continue install mythbuntu on our kitchen mythtv frontend.

- making my serial IR blaster to work with mythbuntu in combination with my Origen AE remote

- and not to forget: www.blicbox.be


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