Not only the bigger screen, but also having a internal BT, did me decide to buy an other EeePC. BT really is my thing, we are using these a lot at the company I'm working. I have to admit, it's mostly Windows, but at home, I'm using it in combination with Mythtv and a mouse, keyboard and my cellphone as a nice and handy remote.
Testing out BT on the new EeePC, gives a very positive impression. But, it doesn't seem to be as solid as I had hoped for. It keeps losing connection and it doesn't reconnect a hid device by itself, you have to reconnect over and over again.
Didn't take me long to find out the Eeepc 901 isn't using Bluez, but something else, AzureBT. Even more, you can't set up a PAN with other devices. So, maybe it would be beter to use Bluez after all. I found some information on an other blog.
So I'll tell you very fast, hoping you know your way around linux, how to change from AzureBT to the Linux Bluez stack.
- make sure BT is active (switch with fn + F2)
- first quit the EeePC's BT application (if it's running, see blue icon in taskbar)
- remove azurebt: sudo apt-get remove azurebt
- update the dependencies: sudo depmod -a
- we need 2 deamons at boot: sudo vim /etc/fastservices
- and add: dbus bluetooth (each on one line starting with dbus)
- let's install bluez: sudo apt-get install bluez-utils
- we need to reboot, so that the modules and the deamons get loaded at boot
that's all, now you can test if bluetooth is working with:
- hciconfig dev (you will get the BT address)
- hcitool scan (now you will scan other BT devices)
If you are not able to use those two commands, something went wrong. In the next post I will explain how to get devices paired and how to connect them.
Hello world!
9 years ago
Hi, Your posts are great, and just what I have been looking for. I am a linux newbie and wonder if you could explain in more detail about the following lines.
- we need 2 deamons at boot: su vim /etc/fastservices
- and add: dbus bluetooth (each on one line starting with dbus)
Questions: Can I use a different editor, one a little more like textpad? I find VIM a little confusing.
Second, the two deamons are "dbus" and "bluetooth", is this correct
Thanks for the help, these instructions are exactly what I need!
PS I am running a eee 1000
Hi, I'll start with your second question.
yes, "dbus" and "bluetooth".
Ok and for the other question, you can use a other editor like nano, which might be easier to understand.
Open a terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and then open the editor as sudo (because you need to root to change the file)
sudo nano /etc/fastservices
(use the CTRL combination you see at the bottem, to save, exit ...)
PS: I changed su to sudo in my post (my mistake)
Thanks so much, your help has been wonderful! My BT mouse is now working after reboot and after waking up from standy. Now to get my phone connected.
Thanks again,
I'm glad someone actually told me those howto's helped. :-)
I'll probably hear about your phone in the comment of the other howto's. ;-)
Good luck. PS: You should make your blogger profile viewable to others.
good morning,
but i can manage the bluetooth? I not have the icon on try can help me?
What OS are you using? What Computer do you have?
Cool article you got here. I'd like to read something more concerning that theme. The only thing your blog needs is a few pics of some gizmos.
David Watcerson
Cell phone jammer
You're right, picture would help. :-) It has been a while, and in the meantime I have an iPhone. Other problems to solve. ;-).
I wrote some others stuff on Bluetooth (gps, mice, keyboards, ...). You can check theme on my blog choosing bleutooth in the tag-cloud.
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