Yep, after testing a lot of other distro's I changed back to the good old stock Xandros. Seems to be the best choice after all. Don't get me wrong. Things like eeebuntu and ubuntu eee do work very good and are very easy to install. Well If you know your way around in Linux they are, but still.
So why did I go back to xandros? Boot speed. And that's all I have to say to it. No, really, When using this kind of computers, you want it to boot fast, very fast. Only Xandros seems to know how to make it happen. The reason I changed to other distro's was bluetooth, but now I have been able to set it up with Xandros.
An other thing I wanted, was Firefox 3. I only had to add a repository:
deb p701 mainand I was set to install Firefox 3.
So now I'm very pleased to surf the web with the latest browser, using a bluetooth mouse and I'm doing all this within 15 seconds. Why did I want to install an other distro again?
My students need more then 120 sec. to enter the classroom and opening their books, if I put Xandros back on the EEEPC, Would I be turning my fingers for more then 2 minutes!!! Nope, EEEbuntu will do fine.
I like to hear about the bluetooth installation (I use a tiny bt usb stick i windows) and how to add the firefox 3 repo to the list, tnx
As for the extra repo, You only have to add the line in the source.list
First you open a terminal, by pressing CTRL+ALT+T.
You type: sudo vim /etc/apt/source.list
then you press the INSERT button and type on a new line:
deb p701 main
press ESC button
type :wq
You type: sudo apt-get update
Now you only have to install firefox 3.0
You can do this with synaptic or aptitude
for synaptic you type
sudo synaptic
then you search on firefox and choose to install the package.
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